Research Team

Bugay Yıldırım

I am a third-year PhD student at Koç University. I earned my MSc in Cognitive Psychology and Psychophysiology from the University of Groningen in 2020. My research focuses on the temporal dynamics of visual summary representations and serial dependence in vision.

Daniil Grigorev

First-year master’s student in Cognitive Psychology at Koc University, I got a BA in Psychology from the Higher School of Economics in 2023.
I’m primarily interested in vision science, my research topics are recognition memory, ensemble perception, and serial dependence.

Deniz Bozkurt

I am a senior Psychology and Chemical & Biological Engineering student at Koç University. My topics of interest include memory, language and perception.

Dilara Gazioğlu

I’m a junior undergraduate student at Koç University. I’m interested in topics such as reasoning, biases and their influence on decision making.

Melis Kıroğlu

I am a senior Psychology and Media & Visual Arts student at Koç University. My topics of interest include aesthetics, perception, and more.

Özgür Saydır

I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Boğaziçi University. I am currently enrolled in the first year of a Master’s program at Koç University. My academic pursuits are centered around exploring decision-making processes, with an emphasis on understanding how visual content influences our choices, judgments and behaviors. 

Sıla Mutaf

Senior student majoring psychology and history at Boğaziçi University. Starting University of Michigan as a PhD student in 2024.

Zeynep Eylül Gül

I’m a first-year master’s student. I’ve earned my bachelor’s degree from Boğaziçi University. My main interest is collective memory and metacognition but in the past, I’ve also been a part of research projects on autobiographical memory and information processing.

Ceyda Tümen

I am a Ph.D student of cognitive psychology at Koc University working under the supervision of Prof. Aysecan Boduroglu, focusing on data visualization, judgmental forecasting and decision making (DM). During my MA in Cognitive Neuropsychology, I worked on basic executive functions and memory. During my initial years of Ph.d, I focused on top-down and bottom-up factors affecting individuals’ judgmental forecasts using graphics depicting
linear data. My prelim topics were “Risk Visualizations and Decision Making under Risk” and “Nudges”. Currently, I am working on how people make their forecasts in non-linear situations, the heuristics they use, their biases, how to debias these and the effect of such efforts on their attitudes, intentions and behaviours.

Deniz Koçak

I am a sophomore psychology and freshman MAVA student at Koc University. I am deeply interested in decision-making and reasoning. I hope to explore the concepts of autonomy and rationality.