
Carlson, M. Zhang, H., Fansher, M., Adkins, T.J., Boduroglu, A., Quirk, M., Shah, P., Lewis R.L.
& Jonides, J. (under revision). Severe covid-19 infection is associated with lasting cognitive

Gokce. A., Yildirim, B. & Boduroglu, A. (under revision). Attentional modulation of outlier processing. Tumen, C. & Boduroglu, A. (under revision). Mean reversion bias caused by bars and a general
positivity bias in judgmental time series forecasts.

Adkins, M., Boduroglu, A. & Shah, P. (under review). Visualization lessons from the COVID-19

Oral, E.* & Boduroglu, A. (under revision). Early processing of scatterplots: The effect of content
and outliers on trend-line estimation.

Fansher, M. Lalwani, P. Adkins,T. Zhang, H. Carlson, M. Boduroglu, A. Lewis, R. Jonides, J. &
Shah, P. (under review).   Flatten what curve? Helping people make sense of pandemic incidence
when public health messaging fails.

Leger, K.R., Synder, H.R., Boduroglu, A. & Gutchess, A. (in press). The role of culture and
semantic organization in working memory updating: a comparison of Americans and Turks.

Yildirim, B., Semizer, Y. & Boduroglu, A. (2024). Temporal integration of target features across and within trials in the attentional blink. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.

Boz, H.Z. & Boduroglu, A. (2024). Understanding patterns of accumulation: improving forecast-
based decisions via nudging. Memory & Cognition.

Boduroglu, A. (2023). Processing Scatterplots: Impact of Outliers on Correlational and Causal
Inferences. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 45, No.

Tümen, C.* & Boduroglu, A. (2022). Judgmental Time Series Forecasting: A systematic analysis
of graph format and trend type. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, 44, 3265-3271.

Mutlutürk, A.*, Tekcan, AI. & Boduroglu, A. (2022). Stability and change in the organization of
collective memory representations. Memory.

Atkins TJ, Fansher, M., Lalwani, P., Boduroglu, A., Carlson, M., Quirk, M., Lewis, R., Shah, P.,
Zhang, H. & Jonides, J. (2022). Icon arrays reduce concern over COVID-19 vaccine side effects.
Cognitive Research: Principles & Implications, 38,

Hacıbektaşoğlu, D*., Tekcan, AI, Bilge, R. & Boduroglu, A (2022). The impact of group identity
on the interaction between collective memory and collective future thinking negativity: evidence
from a Turkish sample. Memory & Cognition.

Fansher, M., Adkins, T., Lalwani, P., Quirk, M., Boduroglu, A., Lewis, R., Shah, P. &
Jonides, J. (2022). How well do ordinary Americans forecast the growth of COVID-19?
Memory & Cognition, 1-18.

Schwartz, D.B., Gilliam, A., Godoy, R., Boduroglu, A., & Gutchess, A. (2022). Does perception of
state tightness-looseness predict behavior and attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic in the
USA? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(5), 522-542.

Mutlutürk, A*., Tekcan, AI & Boduroglu, A. (2022). The structure and organization of collective
memory representations. Memory Studies.

Semizer, Y. & Boduroglu, A. (2021). Variability leads to overestimation of mean summaries.
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. Special Issue 1 on Ensemble Perception. 83, 1129–1140

Avcı, B*. & Boduroglu, A. (2021). Contributions of ensemble perception to outlier representation
precision. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. Special Issue on Ensemble Perception.
83, 1141–1151 (2021).

Gutchess, A., Ksander, J., Millar, P.R , Uzundag, B.A., Sekuler, R. & Boduroglu, A. (2021).
Cultural differences in performance on Eriksen’s flanker task. Attention, Perception &
Psychophysics.  Special Issue of Research Inspired by the Work of Charles W. Eriksen.
83, 882–898.

Boduroglu, A. & Yildirim, I*. (2020). Statistical summary representations of bound features.
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, Anne Treisman Special Issue, 82, p.840–51.

Yoruk, H*. & Boduroglu, A. (2020). Feature-specificity in visual statistical summary processing.
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, Special Issue 82(2), 852–864,

Gutchess, A. & Boduroglu, A. (2019). Cultural differences in categorical memory errors persist
with age. Aging and Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2017.1421616

Yildirim, İ. , Ogreten, O. & Boduroglu, A. (2018). Impact of spatial grouping on mean size
estimation. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 80(7), 1847-1862.

Boduroglu, A., & Shah, P. (2017). Cultural differences in attentional breadth and resolution.
Culture & Brain, 5, 169-181.

Gutchess, A., Garner, L. Ligouri, L. Konuk, A.I., & Boduroglu, A. (2018). Culture impacts the
magnitude of the emotion-induced memory trade-off effect. Cognition & Emotion, 32(6), 1339-

Mamus, E.*. & Boduroglu, A. (2018). The role of context on boundary extension. Visual
Cognition.26(1), 115-130.

Tekcan, AI., Boduroglu, A., Mutlutürk, A. & Aktan-Erciyes, A. (2017). Life-span
retrieval of public events: reminiscence bump for high-impact events, recency for others.
Memory & Cognition, 45(7), 1095-1112

Schwartz, B. Boduroglu, A. & Tekcan, A.İ. (2016). Methodological concerns in the study of
feeling-of-knowing resolution. Metacognition & Learning. doi 10.1007/s11409-015-9152-4.

Boduroglu, A., Pehlivanoglu, D.*, Tekcan, A. & Kapucu, A. (2015). Effects of self-referencing on
FOK accuracy and recollective experience. Memory 23:5, 736-747.

Mutlutürk, A*. & Boduroglu, A. (2014). Effects of spatial configurations on the resolution of
spatial working memory representations. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 76, 2276-2285.

Boduroglu, A., Tekcan, A.I. & Kapucu, A. (2014). The relationship between executive functions,
episodic feeling-of-knowing and confidence judgments. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 26(3),

Boduroglu, A. & Shah, P. (2014). Configural representations in spatial working memory. Visual
Cognition, 1, 997-1007,

Schwartz, A.J., Boduroglu, A., & Gutchess, A. (2014). Cross-cultural differences in categorical
memory errors. Cognitive Science 38(5), 1-11.

Sungur, H*. & Boduroglu, A. (2012). Action video game playing benefits object resolution, Acta
Psychologica, 139, 327-334.

Boduroglu, A. & Shah, P. (2009). Effects of spatial configuration on visual change detection: An
account of bias changes. Memory & Cognition, 37, 1120-113.

Baran, B., Tekcan, A., Gurvit, H., & Boduroglu, A. (2009). Episodic memory and metamemory in
PD patients. Neuropsychology,23(6), 736-745.

Boduroglu, A, Shah, P. & Nisbett, R. (2009). Cultural differences in allocation of attention in
visual information processing. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 40(3), 349-360.

Boduroglu, A., Yoon, C., Luo T., & Park, C.D (2006). Stereotypes about young and old adults:
A comparison of Chinese and American Cultures. Gerontology, 52 (5), 324-333.

Boduroglu, A. & Shah, P (2006). Configural representations in spatial working memory. In
Cognitive Processes, 7,160-162. [Proceedings from the symposium on Recent Trends in the
Research on Visuospatial Working Memory, ICSC, 2006].

Gutchess, A.H., Welsh, R.C., Boduroglu, A., & Park, D.C. (2006). Cultural differences in neural
function associated with object processing. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience,
6(2), 102-109.